Clinics and Services




Full Family planning Services

Here at Northgate Medical Practice, we can offer a full range of contraceptive and family planning options. Any GP can provide advice on what type of contraception is best for you, but here, we provide specialist clinics to offer one to one advice, as well as including coil fitting and the contraceptive implant


Specialist Clinics 

  • ENT
  • Audiology
  • Dermatology
  • Minor Operations
  • Family Planning
  • Same Day Physiotherapy
  • Ophthalmology
  • Anticoagulation

Specialist Services 

  • Catheter Clinics
  • 24 Hour ECG’s
  • Ultrasound + Echo
  • Counselling
  • Community Mental Health

NHS Services

  • Child Health surveillance
  • Cervical smear services
  • New Patient screening
  • NHS Health Checks
  • Maternity Medical services
  • Health Promotion clinics:
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Travel Health and Immunisation Clinics
  • General and Addiction counselling
  • Diabetic Ophthalmic screening
  • Insurance and Medical Reports, including LGV/PSV  requirements, please ask for details  
  • ERS E-Referrals, previously Choose and Book. This is a service which allows you to choose where and when it suits you to be treated by a hospital consultant. Should you need to be referred.

Ground rules for treating drug or alcohol dependence

All persons with the above difficulties will be expected to agree with a treatment programme orally, or by signing a consent form. The doctor that you see will expect you to participate in any reasonable, physical or medical investigation as part of your full assessment.

Withdrawal from heroin or related drugs is dealt with by Kent Council on Addictions (KCA) and you will be referred there for relevant treatment. Withdrawal from alcohol is dealt with by Mount Zeehan, or other specialist alcohol services and you will be referred there initially.

A copy of our consent form, including practice ground rules and standards of behaviour acceptable within the practice is available on request.


NHS Health checks

NHS Health checks -A Health MOT If you're aged between 40 and 74 and haven't already been diagnosed with vascular disease or  treated for certain risk factors such as high blood pressure or cholesterol, you will be invited for a  health check every five years. From April 2013, responsibility for the NHS Health Check programme  moved to your local authority, and will be carried out by your Practice which will invite everyone who is eligible over a five-year rolling cycle. Click here for further information